Escort Amsterdam 1 welcomes 4 new escort girls to its escort service for Amsterdam and surroundings. They are new to Escort Amsterdam 1 but not to the escort service itself! Read about our newest escort below. If you like one or more of them, you can make a reservation by filling out our form or calling us. For our other escorts, click here.
Escort Ivana - new stunning brunette escort
Ivana is one of our newest additions that we would like to introduce. Ivana is new but not unfamiliar with providing escort service. With her indescribably beautiful appearance, you can guess how popular she is among men. Ivana has quickly become one of our most wanted ladies. The lagging demand during the covid pandemic is quickly reversed with Ivana in the ranks. Ivana is open to a horny role play, but also a classic blowjob is no problem for her. Tonight she is waiting for your call.
Escort Lena - adorable and naughty escort
Lena really shouldn't need a description. Her appearance speaks for itself. This naughty lady will bring out the best in you. Every day we receive many positive reactions to the service that Lena provides. She loves sex and is absorbed in the sexual ritual in the bedroom. When you order this escort, the question is not whether she delivers, but whether you can handle her. Escort Amsterdam 1 may be new to Lena, but sex is anything but.
Escort Milana - escort that drives you crazy
This exciting Milana is also a reinforcement of our escort agency. With Milana in the ranks, we can continue to live up to our adage of 'the best escort girls at the best price'. You will have to experience it to be able to talk about it. Milana never misses a moment to let you enjoy a horny evening. She has a lot of experience and offers many services. Couples or a wonderful erotic massage? It's all possible with Milana. Don't wait too long and try this fresh escort.
Escort Rebecca - mind blowing girl
Last but not the least Rebecca. Escort Amsterdam 1 is pleased to inform you that this escort is now going to make Amsterdam unsafe with her delicious body. No man is safe any more with Rebecca in town. You will not soon forget a horny evening with this naughty lady. The ingredients for such an evening are all present with Rebecca: a fantastic appearance, a fun and humorous character, and her unwavering commitment in the bedroom. Call +31626569628 quickly.