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House rules Escort Amsterdam 1

  • Sex workers  MUST  practice safe sex and have the right to refuse service to any client or to perform/engage in any unsafe act(s) at any time and for any reason

  • Sex workers have the right to refuse drugs and /or alcohol at any time.

  • Sex workers have the right and are encouraged to undergo testing for STDs and HIV/AIDS at regular intervals or when needed.

  • Sex workers have the right and are encouraged to examine all customer’s genital areas and to refuse sexual acts if they suspect the customer has an STD. The prostitute is advised to thoroughly read the information package (among which are the Hygiene Guidelines)

  • The prostitute is advised to contact the police with any abuse complaints, or contact Meld Misdaad Anoniem (M) at 0800-7000 and remain anonymous. In addition, the agency is always available for questions or help.




Rules of conduct are set by the escort agency to ensure that the customers abide by the rights of the sex workers and to ensure that all sex workers maintain proper hygiene while conducting business.


The following rules of conduct for customers are posted to all websites used by the escort agency to conduct business.


  • Sex workers may always refuse a customer or a sexual act.

  • Customers should never force a sex worker to perform or comply with unsafe sex practices.

  • Customers and operators are forbidden from forcing sex workers to drink alcohol.

  • Sex workers have the right to be tested for STDs and to get treatment.

  • Clients are advised to follow the 10 Golden Rules for a safe and professional sexual encounter.

  • Sex workers will be advised to decline service when linens in hotels or clients’ homes appear unclean.

  • The escort agency encourages all sex workers to refuse sexual acts if they suspect that the customers have an STD.


Clients can also report a crime, including possible human trafficking, illegal drug sales and 

rubbery while remaining anonymous using the Foundation M. service at 0800-7000.

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